The proposed paper discusses about the infectious blood diseases named as pulmonary embolism. This proposed paper mainly deals with increasing rate of blood disease in the lungs. Pulmunoary Embolism is the blockage in vein and due to circulation moves to the main artery which goes from heart to lungs. This paper fully discuses about the golden standard for diagonsis pulmonary enbolism is pulmonary angiography and treatment is caval filters. It is a deadly infectious disesase. Pulmonary angiography is used less often due to wider acceptance of CT scans, which are non-invasive. The cavalfilters treatment the filters are placed in inferior venacava below the orgin of renal vessels. It occurs in 1% of patient admited in hospital and resposible for 5% death of all hospital death. It may occur due to amniotic fluid ,placenta,air , fat, tumour and septic emboli from endo cardiatis affecting tricuspid or pulmonary valve. The treatments are anticouglation thromblitic threapy, caval filters.. Pulmunoary Embolism occurs silent. It is the blockage in vein and due to circulation moves to the main artery which goes from heart to lungs. Usually this is due to embolism of a thrombus (blood clot) from the deep veins in the legs, a process termed venous thromboembolism. A small proportion is due to the embolization of air, fat , amniotic fluid placenta tumours and spectic emboli from endo carditis affecting tricuspid or pulmonary valve . The obstruction of the blood flow through the lungs and the resultant pressure on the right ventricle of the heart leads to the symptoms and signs of PE. The risk of PE is increased in various situations, such as cancer and prolonged bed rest.apparopriate therapy and mortality is decreased from 30-10% yet 100,000-200,000 death occur per year in USA.diagnosis of the disease is very difficult. Clinical accuracy of the diagnosis is low. It the prospective investigations of PE study 755 patients had v/q lung scan and PE Angiography because of suspected PE within 24hrs study.. Pulmonary embolism can be usefully consider under the heading venous thromboembolism 75%of pulmonary embolism derived from DVT in the lower limb and 60% of patient with DVT will have evidence of PE on scanning even the absence of the symptoms rarely PE may occur due to amniotic fluid, placenta, air, fat, tumour and septic emboli from endocarditis affecting tricuspid or pulmonary valves. Pulmonary emboli occur in 1% of the patients admitted in the hospital and are responsible for 5% death.
dr itua healing herbs the worst moment has passed, however, it is true that there are more improvements than before… due to the growing number of people living with hiv in the state of nevada. How could they stigmatize them all? then everything becomes a little easier and we begin to share everything... we also begin to invite each other and visit each other in community. You know, it's been six years since I started taking antiretroviral drugs… however, regardless of the problems I faced, the worst moment was when my mother evicted me from the family home, my father rented me a small room. but my mother and my brothers believed that having hiv was my fault and that I deserved to be punished… I also considered myself unworthy and hopeless… but I have a son and eventually I convinced myself to live for my son reason. my mother didn't know anything [about hiv]. she didn't understand anything. You know why? she did not have [the opportunity] to leave the house and communicate with society. however, my father interacts with the community. I know that his friends are mature and dignified in Africa America. so he has a better understanding than her. my father came to call me one sad day sitting on my sofa about a friend of his from africa who introduced him to dr itua herbal cure in africa in which he advised me that we should buy his herbal medicine to cure my hiv, so we did and dr itua prescribed me that i should take the herbal medicine for two weeks to cure myself, although we were very curious about the whole thing, i finished the herbal medicine as he advised, then he told me to visit the nearest clinic for a check up i did and now i am totally cured of hiv my father was my rock and me and my family are now happy together too dr itua has been helpful in my community since he cured my hiv and tinnitus so why do i quit my story here today is to get someone here to hope in god and never give up no matter what situation you are facing especially during this pandemic season which has really taught us all how we should s help each other and appreciate each other. dr itua cures the following diseases... herpes, liver cancer, throat cancer, leukemia. , alzheimer's disease, chronic diarrhea, cop, parkinson's, als, infectious mononucleosis adrenocortical carcinoma. bowel cancer, uterine cancer, fibroid, bladder cancer, HIV, esophageal cancer, gallbladder cancer, kidney cancer, HPV, lung cancer, melanoma, mesothelioma, multiple myeloma, oral cancer, sinus cancer, hepatitis a, b/c, skin cancer, soft tissue sarcoma, spinal cancer, stomach cancer, vaginal cancer, tinnitus, vulvar cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid cancer. you can contact dritua herbal center at email: drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com .www.drituaherbalcenter.com.
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