IV Tubing Organizer-Project

Project Overview:
Currently the numerous amounts of IV tubing required for pediatric patients causes confusion in lines and places the patient at risk for injury. The goal of this project is to create an IV tubing organizer to prevent “spaghetti” while maintaining the functionality of an IV tube.
The pediatric critical care unit of the UW Children’s hospital currently has no organizational system for IV tubing. IV lines extend from multiple syringe pumps to one patient, becoming entangled. They are especially hard to differentiate when placed on the patient’s bed during transport. A prototype was assembled to minimize line confusion, in which each length of IV tubing is individually wound around a central core. Automatic recoil is controlled by a constant force spring-loaded system that allows for patient movement by retracting or extending extra lengths of IV tubing. This design will ultimately separate the IV lines and improve hospital efficiency.