Nanomedicine is a science that uses nanotechnology to maintain and improve human health at the molecular scale. Current and potential applications of nanotechnology in medicine range from research involving diagnostic devices, drug delivery vehicles to enhanced gene therapy and tissue engineering procedures. A nanomedical device - an artificial mechanical erythrocyte, or "respirocyte".
Respirocytes are artificial red blood cells, which can take the place of our oxygen carrying cells and do a more efficient job in the process. They have one micrometer in diameter. These mimic the action of the natural hemoglobin-filled red blood cells. The design of the spherical nanorobot is made up of 18 billion atoms arranged as a tiny pressure tank. The tank can be filled up with oxygen and carbon dioxide - making one complete transfer point at the lungs, and the reverse transfer at the body's tissues. Each respirocyte can store and transport 200 times more oxygen and carbon dioxide than our natural red blood cells. Filled with these respirocytes, an adult human could hold his/her breath underwater for four hours. Each respirocyte would need to be able to detect the concentration of gases in the blood. This would be done using sensors on the surface. Gas molecules would enter the tanks inside the respirocyte via molecular sorting rotors. These rotors would have pockets that would spin, and be able to pick up and drop off oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules.
respiratory gases throughout the body. Second, they must help prevent the blood from becoming too acidic, since carbon dioxide dissolved in water is an acid. In brief, oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried between the lungs and the other tissues, mostly within the red blood cells. Hemoglobin, the principal protein in the red blood cell, combines reversibly with oxygen, forming oxyhemoglobin. About 95% of the O2 is carried in this form, the rest being dissolved in the blood. Carbondioxide also combines reversibly with hemoglobin, forming carbamino hemoglobin. About 25% of the CO2 produced during cellular metabolism is carried in this form, with another 65% transported inside the red cells as bicarbonate ion and the remaining 10% dissolved in blood plasma.
The key to successful respirocyte function is to provide some active means of conveying gas molecules into, and out. Eric has proposed molecular sorting rotors that would be ideal for this task. Each rotor has binding site "pockets" along the rim exposed alternately to the blood plasma and the interior chamber by the rotation of the disk. While exposed to blood plasma, a pocket selectively binds a specific molecule like oxygen or carbon dioxide. The disk then rotates so that the loaded binding site moves into the interior chamber. Once the pocket has moved into the chamber, the bound molecule is forcibly ejected by a rod thrust outward by the cam surface.
Here the biomedical project titles.. shortly i will post abstracts of these projects
Heart Beat Monitoring System
Biometric Access Control System
Ecg Monitor & Analyzer
Automatic defibrillator
Automatic Medicine Announcement System
Biometric Security System
Home Healthcare Device
Multi channel temperature monitor for surgery
Short range medical telemetry system
Patient Monitoring System
Personal identification on multiple biometric features
Ultra sound walking stick
Alertness Monitoring system during sedation
This project is aimed at designing an alertness monitor which could be used during peri-operative conditions. The system contains a gas analyser that is connected to a HD display system to gve the volume of anesthetic gas in the patient blood.